Thursday, March 11, 2010

Process again burst

Bonn - Waste multi Hellmut Trienekens (69): Will he ever be back in court? The businessman is said to have stashed million of dirty money in Switzerland, in Siegburg on the purchase of a composting plant abundantly distributed bribes.
But in Bonn, now burst for the second time a lawsuit against Trienekens. Reason: the Herz.Ist clever stalling tactic or is it garbage disposers Hellmut Trienekens really so weak heart that he can not follow a court hearing? On 20 March worked together Trienekens the Cologne court on the witness stand, lay down a few days in the hospital.
Consequence: The 7th Economic Criminal Division of the Bonn district court said the trial of the entrepreneur, who is responsible for serious corruption must be from. As of Tuesday was supposed to be negotiated.
Dr. Thomas Stollenwerk, spokesman for the district court: "After the incident in Cologne court wants to make himself acquainted with the board about the health Trienekens'. There are different opinions about this, doctors are sought. "Does that mean that not only the expertise of Trienekens' physicians, but also comments about the three doctors who were with Trienekens faintness there. They measured a very high blood pressure of 200/140.
Three years ago the public prosecutor had accused Trienekens for serious corruption. He is said to have Karl-Heinz Meys, then director of the Rhein-Sieg-Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft RSAG, bribed with 1.4 million euro to get the order for the composting of organic and green waste. Meys has already been convicted to six years in prison.
Trienekens initially been considered stand trial. Two reviewers DECLARE earlier this year that a couple of hours per week can be heard against him. The Bonner court thereupon terminated the process. Now, the board moved to the presiding judge Hinrich de Vries, the deadline to 17 June.