Thursday, March 18, 2010

14 dead in hostage-taking in the U.S.

Washington - bloody hostage drama in American Social Center: Einunbekannter perpetrator shot during a robbery at a center fürEinwanderer in the U.S. state of New York on Friday with a minimum 13Menschen.
Around five people were injured brought inKrankenhäuser. As reported by the TV channel CNN, citing aufmehrere sources, was 42 years old offender was found dead in demGebäude in Binghamton. He was temporarily held up to 40Menschen in his power.
   The crime occurred in a building of the American CivicAssociation, an organization that helps immigrants. Täterbetrat the first details to be in breach 10:15 local time, the Sozialzentrumund opened fire. All details and backgrounds of Blutbadswaren initially unclear.
The Governor of the State DavidPeterson: "It has happened eineentsetzliche tragedy ... An individual has entered dieAmerican Civic Association ... and killed twelve or 13Menschen."
As TV station reported, was shot in the head of the hostage-takers togetherness found in the building. Maybe erSelbstmord had committed.
   First indications that it is only an act Täter.Mehrere people tried to hide in closets, was called. Later snipers moved in front of the building. Möglicherweisehatte the offender previously participated in a naturalization test. Unklarwar first, whether the contact with the police temporarily Geiselnehmerhatte.
   For hours situation was quite confusing. It merely said that the authorities had launched a Vietnamese translator at the place desVerbrechens, presumably to allow negotiations with the Geiselnehmerzu. Even specialists in the FBI had prior Ortgewesen to advise the local police and support. AuchUS Vice President Joe Biden was reacting to the carnage. It seinotwendig take measures to ensure such a "senseless prevent sinnloseGewalt" too.
   Only in recent weeks, the U.S. had been hit mehrerenGewaltverbrechen by and rampage. On 10 Märztötete a madman in the U.S. state of Alabama ten people undsich itself The 28-year-old perpetrator had in three villages einBlutbad done.