Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pizarro signs for Werder in 2012

Bremen - The bill is perfect! Professional footballer Claudio Pizarro rushes back for Werder Bremen.
After weeks of negotiations with the English Premier League club Chelsea signed the 30-year-old a three-year contract to 30 June 2012 with double-sided option for another year.
"I am very glad that we complete this transfer could at last," said sporting director Klaus Allofs: "The issue of us so busy for months, and in recent weeks we have again worked hard to realize the commitment of Claudio .
The Bremen Pizarro pay for an estimated five million euro transfer to London. When content of the attacker, who allegedly Chelsea earned four million euros in the year, but have to scale back. In an interview last around three million euros.
"I really wanted to Werder back, so it's very nice that now I'm back," said Pizarro, who also brings his family to Bremen: "I'm still looking for a nice big house," the scorer.
Last season had been on loan from Pizarro to Chelsea and Bremen had scored 17 goals in 26 games for the North German. After the season-opener in the preparation and England he returned to Bremen on Monday night.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mass brawl - police officer injured

Düsseldorf-Benrath - Vile brawl on the Benrather Paul Mill Road. 30 some very aggressive and drunken men got into a dispute.
Two Besoffskis (23, 30) were taken into custody, as they resisted arrest. A police officer was injured and had to be hospitalized.
   What had happened? At 18.15 clock alerted a witness the police. He stated that would be a great amount of the stop at the Paul Mühlenstraße a larger group of people.
The officials met with about 30 people. The atmosphere was heated and aggressive, so that officials requesting additional police support.
The 23-year-old came despite repeated requests for a dismissal not attacked police officers and was then also taken into custody. The 30-year-old struggled so much that the police officer was injured.
It tried to prevent some people. Only after several stiffeners to support local, were calmed down the situation. At 15 people a dismissal was made.
The two men ordered the police to blood samples.

Monday, May 17, 2010

He could still be world champion

Schumi gets in the 11 of 17 Back into the race car. And the crazy thing is, he may even become world champion! Leaders is BrawnGP driver Jenson Button (29) with six wins and 70 points.
Means that if Schumacher wins all seven races and button gets no points more, he would have 70 points and had a victory over world champion button. For the eighth time!
A nice sum, not more. For, first, it is unthinkable that button in his last bit sluggish miracle Brawn takes no more point. And secondly, should not all get behind Button lying drivers like Mark Webber (51.5 points), Sebastian Vettel (47) and Co. more than 70 points.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Culminates the world too much?

L'Aquila - Summer time is the peak time. Every year again gather the leaders of the G-8 to work, this time in Italy.
Luxury at its finest, huge security effort - they are meeting the most expensive in the world. A lot of concrete came here but did not develop. Justify the meager results of the huge costs?
Example Heiligendamm: Around 120 million euros to have cost the summit on the Baltic Sea, 2007, of which only 12.5 million for the fence, in which the area was cordoned off widely. Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.S. President Bush invited a then media coverage for grilling.
After the summit, they could be celebrated as a climate savior. Was the first time that the U.S. government moves on climate change, she said proudly. But the impact was not until today.
In many promises that were given at G-8 summits, are not dependable: 2005 was proclaimed in Gleneagles, Scotland: The development will increase in 2010 to 50 billion U.S. dollars. Of which are all G-8 countries, including Germany, still far away.
The criticism of the magnificent performances grows. Greenpeace activist Tobias Muenchmeyer: "8 For the G-summits on climate change has emerged alarmingly little.
George Bush has blocked all other countries like Russia and Japan have hardly moved. This raises the question: What does derive from the G-8 really its global leadership? Anyone who wants to lead the world, must provide forward-looking. Of these, the G-8 so far away. "
Christoph Bals, director of Environment and Development Organization German Watch, said: "In the past, brought G-8 summit achieved little tangible. It was often mere window policy, the high cost is not justified.
There were vague promises, later mostly in the implementation was poor. This time the situation is different. For the climate summit in Copenhagen in December are legally binding contracts to be prepared. For this we need this meeting of the G-8 heads of state in Italy. You must now, however, finally to some ambitious climate protection goals. "
Also of interest
The G-8 summit in the earthquake zone

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Arena - Everything is Esprit

Dusseldorf - The Arena in Stockum. Everything is different. Tschö, LTU! Hello, wit!
Be the first to have noticed the Rheinbahn customers. "Next stop Esprit Arena, Messe Nord", it says for days in track announcements.
LTU does not exist anymore. Neither on the schedules still in subway map, at bus stops or on the objective signs of the paths. Rheinbahn spokeswoman Heike Schuster: "We have almost completed the conversion."
From July, the Ratingen-based fashion company new title sponsor of the arena. The LTU-days are so numbered. Six large LTU logo on the outside of the arena, another 480 smaller logo in the interior must be removed and replaced by the Esprit logo. Oliver Franke, responsible for outdoor advertising: "Currently, work 16 Werbetechniker from removing the slides."
Altogether there are 4,500 square foil. The first is heated with a Bunsen burner, then subtracted. Franke: "On Monday we start it, the Esprit logo affixed."
Plenty of work for the arena operating company. Spokesman Rainer Student: All letters must change our minds. Of course, the labeling of our advertising and brochures. "Change is also the name of the VIP Longue. From "First Comfort Club" is the "Platinum Club".