Thursday, February 18, 2010

Five million in damages for Woody Allen

New York - The process has paid off: The legendary filmmaker Woody Allen has sichmit five million U.S. dollars (3.7 million euros) damages fürunerlaubte be reconciled advertising.
He agreed on Montagunmittelbar before starting a process aimed at by him in New York with the fashion company American Apparel, as the local stations New YorkOne (NY1) reported.
Allen had sued the company for ten million dollars, after it had Bartdargestellt him 2007 on billboards in New Yorkund Hollywood as Orthodox Jews with side curls and long.
His complaint substantiated, the director saying that he had not been advertised den1960er years for commercial products habe.Deshalb the incident for him "outrageous and damaging".
Allenbezeichnete in the application as one of the einflussreichstenPersonen in the history of American cinema. His Erfolgverdanke amongst other things the fact that he had kept his Erscheinungstrikt under control.
American Apparel had used a cut scene from the movie "Annie Hall" from 1977 on advertising, in which Allen was seen in orthodoxerjüdischer clothes. Above his head was in Hebrew letters "The holy rabbi" to read. "Annie Hall" was mitinsgesamt won four Oscars. Allen received two trophies fürdie best director and best screenplay.
American Apparel dismissed Allen's ten-million-call back as "outrageous". In court negotiations said sichdie insurance company is now willing to pay half. Allenäußerte in a statement the hope that the sum vorWiederholungstaten would protect him.
American Apparel had threatened, according to media reports, Allen's longtime partner, actress Mia Farrow to call in denZeugenstand to bring the battered reputation of the filmmaker to zurSprache. In the early 1990s had an affair zwischenihm Farrow and then 22-year-old adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previnpublik become. Meanwhile, the two are married.