Thursday, April 29, 2010

Magdalena Neuner verballert World Cup victory

Antholz - debacle for our beautiful Mountaineering (21). The six-time world champion experienced one of the most bitter defeats of her career.
Dejected and disappeared without a word, "Gold Lena derSüdtirol until the dressing tent arena, where she had Siegegefeiert two years ago, their first three World Cup, and then into the team hotel.
The reason: During the last World Cup race before the World Championships in South Korea's Pyeongchang gave away the 21 - year-old in their grasp last shooting near 14th World Cup-day victory.
Five misses for Magdalena - a disaster. "Ichbegreif's not," was the only reaction of Nine, which was completely blown away sonstigeFröhlichkeit.
In Kaiserwetter imMassenstartrennen about 12.5 kilometers in Anterselva was "gold-Lena" apparently an unchallenged to meet start-finish victory. After three bouts of shooting, they fluffed error for the fourth time: every five Scheibenverfehlt! That meant a fall to seventh place.
Even coach Uwe idleness could hold Neuner Missgeschickkaum. "I'm so sorry for 'Lena'. This is a bitter pill for sie.Vier of the five errors were very scarce. Had the first Scheibegefallen, they would have won," he estimated.
The day's victory celebration fell so in biathlon with a total 62.000Zuschauern on the four days of the Russian World Cup SpitzenreiterinJekaterina Jurjewa into his lap. With a time of 36:37,8 Minutenverwies the flawless shooting a Russian native of Sweden Helena Jonsson (+13.4 seconds) and Kaisa Mäkäräinen (Finland / + 28.2) on dieweiteren podiums.
The Zella-Mehlis "Little Red Riding Hood" Wilhelmunterlag as on Saturday in the persecution of the Finn in the finish; undwurde with 28.2 seconds behind in fourth. Andrea Henkel (Großbreitenbach) slipped as the sixth with 36.8 seconds Rückstandauf the court floor to the finish.
After the races in Antholz ihrAufgebot named the national coach for the 14 February Start Championships imsüdkoreanischen Pyeongchang. Uwe idleness beidenvorjährigen relies on the triple world champions, and Andrea Henkel, Magdalena Neuner and Martina Beck, Simone Hauswald, Kathrin stoves and Kati Wilhelm.
At the head of the German men's team is derdreimalige Olympic champion Michael Greis. Next while Andreas Birnbacher, Christoph Stephan, Arnd Peiffer, Michael Roesch have undAlexander Wolf.
In Kaiserwetter imMassenstartrennen about 12.5 kilometers in Anterselva was "gold-Lena" apparently an unchallenged to meet start-finish victory. After three bouts of shooting, they fluffed error for the fourth time: every five Scheibenverfehlt! That meant a fall to seventh place.
Even coach Uwe idleness could hold Neuner Missgeschickkaum. "I'm so sorry for 'Lena'. This is a bitter pill for sie.Vier of the five errors were very scarce. Had the first Scheibegefallen, they would have won," he estimated.
The day's victory celebration fell so in biathlon with a total 62.000Zuschauern on the four days of the Russian World Cup SpitzenreiterinJekaterina Jurjewa into his lap. With a time of 36:37,8 Minutenverwies the flawless shooting a Russian native of Sweden Helena Jonsson (+13.4 seconds) and Kaisa Mäkäräinen (Finland / + 28.2) on dieweiteren podiums.
The Zella-Mehlis "Little Red Riding Hood" Wilhelmunterlag as on Saturday in the persecution of the Finn in the finish; undwurde with 28.2 seconds behind in fourth. Andrea Henkel (Großbreitenbach) slipped as the sixth with 36.8 seconds Rückstandauf the court floor to the finish.
After the races in Antholz ihrAufgebot named the national coach for the 14 February Start Championships imsüdkoreanischen Pyeongchang. Uwe idleness beidenvorjährigen relies on the triple world champions, and Andrea Henkel, Magdalena Neuner and Martina Beck, Simone Hauswald, Kathrin stoves and Kati Wilhelm.
At the head of the German men's team is derdreimalige Olympic champion Michael Greis. Next while Andreas Birnbacher, Christoph Stephan, Arnd Peiffer, Michael Roesch have undAlexander Wolf.
In Kaiserwetter imMassenstartrennen about 12.5 kilometers in Anterselva was "gold-Lena" apparently an unchallenged to meet start-finish victory. After three bouts of shooting, they fluffed error for the fourth time: every five Scheibenverfehlt! That meant a fall to seventh place.
Even coach Uwe idleness could hold Neuner Missgeschickkaum. "I'm so sorry for 'Lena'. This is a bitter pill for sie.Vier of the five errors were very scarce. Had the first Scheibegefallen, they would have won," he estimated.
The day's victory celebration fell so in biathlon with a total 62.000Zuschauern on the four days of the Russian World Cup SpitzenreiterinJekaterina Jurjewa into his lap. With a time of 36:37,8 Minutenverwies the flawless shooting a Russian native of Sweden Helena Jonsson (+13.4 seconds) and Kaisa Mäkäräinen (Finland / + 28.2) on dieweiteren podiums.
The Zella-Mehlis "Little Red Riding Hood" Wilhelmunterlag as on Saturday in the persecution of the Finn in the finish; undwurde with 28.2 seconds behind in fourth. Andrea Henkel (Großbreitenbach) slipped as the sixth with 36.8 seconds Rückstandauf the court floor to the finish.
After the races in Antholz ihrAufgebot named the national coach for the 14 February Start Championships imsüdkoreanischen Pyeongchang. Uwe idleness beidenvorjährigen relies on the triple world champions, and Andrea Henkel, Magdalena Neuner and Martina Beck, Simone Hauswald, Kathrin stoves and Kati Wilhelm.
At the head of the German men's team is derdreimalige Olympic champion Michael Greis. Next while Andreas Birnbacher, Christoph Stephan, Arnd Peiffer, Michael Roesch have undAlexander Wolf.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Black-Yellow-down on tax rate

Berlin - Tax cuts, yes or no, and when, in particular? In the black-yellow coalition negotiations, the question, the number is 1 In view of the empty treasury and the debt explosion is the margin is very low.
The breaking point: The FDP makes the formation of a black-yellow coalition of tax relief depends. Chancellor Merkel, it says in the "mirror", so take your foot off the brake a little. From the table seems to be against the rapid increase in child benefits and child allowances from 1 January.
Chancellery Minister Thomas de Maizière (CDU), the Liberals had offered in talks to provide, by 2013 for low taxes and invest in its future 20 billion euros from the federal budget.
Together with the countries we would share it on a volume of 25 billion euros. Two thirds of the remainder should be spent on education to tax cuts. That is less than that required by the FDP 35 billion. But now it also recognized that it is not rapid and large tax cuts could be reduced. For calculations have shown that, under current state by 2013 is already nearly 300 billion Euros worth of new debt must be made.
To fund the gifts but to think Merkel to putting the new debt brake override, required by law until 2013, the savings of around 30 billion euros. The trick: allow a special rule in "extraordinary emergency" to accumulate more debt. But this will not turn the FDP.
Nothing is expected (from the child benefit increase Total cost: around 10 billion euros), which already seemed home and dry - as little as from the rapid increase in family allowances in 8004 euros. Starting in January, the tax should only subsistence for children of Euro 6024 now be adjusted to inflation, says the "Focus". Back in the raffle on the other hand, the car toll. It brought into play FDP transport expert Döring. It was an "option".
There is also confusion about the question of longer-term maturities of nuclear power plants. Thus, Merkel did not want to commit themselves now - with a view of the important state election in May in North Rhine-Westphalia.
The choice firmly in view and Prime Minister Juergen Ruettgers. He expects the new government to renounce cuts and warned of tough reforms to Hartz IV, "Hartz IV" is unjust. "The Schonvermögen must be increased and also allows the unemployed people can earn more without reducing services.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The three?? - The cursed castle

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The three "private investigator" Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw and Bob Andrews fallen by accident into the possession of a videotape with a mysterious message. The only clue leads the young detectives to the former residence of the inventor Terrill on which to work around a ghost. And indeed it seems that the old walls against overly curious visitors to defend and make it not just the three of them very easily.
?? movie.label.director??
Florian Baxmeyer
?? movie.label.actors??
Chancellor Miller, Cameron Monaghan, Nick Price
?? movie.label.genre??
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
97?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Con artists are equally struck four times to

arma black yoga mat

Cologne - The whole city has tried the Rogue ... The police are looking for a con artist,) the 23rd on Wednesday (July has struck in four Veedeln.
As a victim had the man on the day four of Cologne at the age 75 to 89 years divided chosen. However, he went away empty-handed in all cases.
Its mesh was always the same. In Bilderstöckchen, Neuehrenfeld, Klettenberg and Rodenkirchen the man had spied signs bell rung, and then to the victims and claimed he was a relative.
So he came into the homes of his victims. He then told me that he has a high amount of money there and happy to deposit them in his supposed relatives.
In this way, the fraudster could show the money hiding seniors and tried to get to the there is already stored notes. He succeeded, however, does not.
The victims were the suspect described as follows: • 35 to 40 years old • Approximately 170 cm tall stature • Normal • Brown hair • Dressed in brown and beige jacket and a beige cap
   The fraudster will be a red-brown men's bicycle road. Solicits information on the criminal Commissariat 25 under the telephone number 0221-229-0.

Monday, April 5, 2010

From bombers to a millionaire?

Rome, 13 May 1981, a Wednesday. Pope John Paul II drives in open vehicles during a general audience through the waiting crowd of pilgrims in St. Peter's Square. Suddenly dropped three shots.
A native of Poland Pope, who in a few days of his 61st Will celebrate a birthday, collapses hit by three bullets, is held by his bodyguards.
One of the bullets fired from a nine-millimeter Browning, has penetrated the abdominal wall below the navel, injured several bowel loops before they close beside the spine again to escape. Gold-plated, the Pope will make them later on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Fatima as a gift.
But until that happens, he is struggling for weeks with death, must be multiple surgeries. The papal bodyguards Camillo Cibin is one of the few to keep the mess at St Peter's Square in the overview. Quickly, he identified the shooter: the 23-year-old, coming from eastern Anatolia Turkish Mehmet Ali Agca.
Immediately, the question is asked about the motive. The pope had many enemies: his election heralded the demise of the Soviet bloc. For the former Archbishop of Cracow was the spiritual source from which Poland's striking workers in the fight against the communist system drew its strength. That would be enough to make the Pope the Kremlin's enemy number one.
But the world wondered why a right-wing extremist, criminal record, shot to Islam alienated Turk on John Paul II? It started the big guessing game about the person Ali Agca, which continues until the day of his release from prison and is fired by Turks with new and adventurous assertions.
It is clear that the bomber of the ultra-nationalist Turkish organization "Gray Wolves" has been heard and had already killed a journalist in Turkey. For this he was in prison, but had been released from like-minded Turkish military. Sentenced by an Italian court after 19 years in prison and pardoned Agca was then re-nine years in an Istanbul prison.
For the new phase of life has the now 52-year-old Mehmet Ali Agca made a lot - but above all he wants to be rich. For exclusive interviews and two books, he asked the Sunday Times seven million U.S. dollars. Allegedly lying to him more than 50 film and book deals from all over the world. Whether someone actually pays millions, may be doubted, because promises to the Turk, "to proclaim the end of the world and to write the perfect gospel" to. That sounds confused.
An honest answer to the question of why he wanted to shoot 29 years ago, the Pope is not, however, expect from him. "The assassination is linked to the third secret of the Virgin of Fatima. I am the reincarnation of Christ. I announce the end of the world, "he once talked nonsense.
Now he wants to emigrate to Poland. The accomplished already in prison conversion to Catholicism, he wants to celebrate with much pomp - in St. Peter's Square in Rome. In the heart of the Eternal City, where he nearly killed God's deputy.

From bombers to a millionaire?

Rome, 13 May 1981, a Wednesday. Pope John Paul II drives in open vehicles during a general audience through the waiting crowd of pilgrims in St. Peter's Square. Suddenly dropped three shots.
A native of Poland Pope, who in a few days of his 61st Will celebrate a birthday, collapses hit by three bullets, is held by his bodyguards.
One of the bullets fired from a nine-millimeter Browning, has penetrated the abdominal wall below the navel, injured several bowel loops before they close beside the spine again to escape. Gold-plated, the Pope will make them later on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Fatima as a gift.
But until that happens, he is struggling for weeks with death, must be multiple surgeries. The papal bodyguards Camillo Cibin is one of the few to keep the mess at St Peter's Square in the overview. Quickly, he identified the shooter: the 23-year-old, coming from eastern Anatolia Turkish Mehmet Ali Agca.
Immediately, the question is asked about the motive. The pope had many enemies: his election heralded the demise of the Soviet bloc. For the former Archbishop of Cracow was the spiritual source from which Poland's striking workers in the fight against the communist system drew its strength. That would be enough to make the Pope the Kremlin's enemy number one.
But the world wondered why a right-wing extremist, criminal record, shot to Islam alienated Turk on John Paul II? It started the big guessing game about the person Ali Agca, which continues until the day of his release from prison and is fired by Turks with new and adventurous assertions.
It is clear that the bomber of the ultra-nationalist Turkish organization "Gray Wolves" has been heard and had already killed a journalist in Turkey. For this he was in prison, but had been released from like-minded Turkish military. Sentenced by an Italian court after 19 years in prison and pardoned Agca was then re-nine years in an Istanbul prison.
For the new phase of life has the now 52-year-old Mehmet Ali Agca made a lot - but above all he wants to be rich. For exclusive interviews and two books, he asked the Sunday Times seven million U.S. dollars. Allegedly lying to him more than 50 film and book deals from all over the world. Whether someone actually pays millions, may be doubted, because promises to the Turk, "to proclaim the end of the world and to write the perfect gospel" to. That sounds confused.
An honest answer to the question of why he wanted to shoot 29 years ago, the Pope is not, however, expect from him. "The assassination is linked to the third secret of the Virgin of Fatima. I am the reincarnation of Christ. I announce the end of the world, "he once talked nonsense.
Now he wants to emigrate to Poland. The accomplished already in prison conversion to Catholicism, he wants to celebrate with much pomp - in St. Peter's Square in Rome. In the heart of the Eternal City, where he nearly killed God's deputy.